
All these are rants by an extremely sarcastic woman. Take offense and get butt-hurt if you want, but I warn you, this is the internet. If this bugs you, grow up. If you see yourself here, learn from it.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

These are not the workers you are looking for.

Dear Customers: When you walk up to me in the middle of an aisle and ask me if THIS is the fitting room, I will wonder if you are drunk, and then point you towards where it actually is.

Dear Customers: Why are you asking my opinion on your personal things? I don't care, honestly. I am not a fashion person, I don't care what camera or laptop case looks cute. I care how well it works.

Dear Customers: Stop telling me I'm so good I should be a manger. I applied, didn't get it obviously. It's just throwing salt into a wound.

Dear Customers: When I look obviously depressed and I'm trying to be nice to you, don't be a jerk and go on about how much I don't like my job. Perhaps I'm dealing with some issues, such as a death of someone close to me.

Dear Customers: The bloody commercial says "Toys, Electronics, and select Housewares over $15." So why are you trying to put a cartful of cloths on Layaway? Why are you trying to put $10 toys on Layaway? Also, when there is a big sign telling you where the counter is, why do you ask me?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Not One-Hour patience.

Dear Customers:  What part of "our one hour prints are digital, we send out the film." Do you not get? Why are you complaining to me about how your film came out if I just told you we do not process it?

Dear Customers: I'm sorry 13 cents a picture is not cheap enough for you. Maybe you shouldn't print out 400 pictures at a time.

Dear Customers: No, I cannot page someone to help you for this department because I am that someone who works in this department. 

Dear Customers: Nope sorry, I don't work here. I just enjoy wandering about Wal*Mart, zoning things while wearing khakis, a blue button down, a labcoat that says "Wal*Mart Photo" on it, and a name tag.  

Friday, August 3, 2012

Yes, female and Electronics can mix.

Dear Customers: Yes, I am tiny. I know this, please don't mock me when I come out from the backroom carrying YOUR 47" TV. Yes, it is bulky and almost my size. But guess what? You can't walk out of the store with it, and it makes me feel so much better when I have to call one of the guys to walk you out of the store with it.

Dear Customers: There is nothing against you, when I say I need to ring you up in this department for the locked stuff. It's our corporate policy.

Dear Customers: Please restrain your children. You see me unlocking the glass door to get the game your spending $40 on for your small child. Why are you letting them get so close to me so they can try to grab a game as I slide open the door, then proceed to get offended when I push their hand gently away.

Dear Customers: When I unlock something for you, and say "I need to ring you up over here." DO NOT rip said item out of my hands. Because guess what? I am fighting the urge to smack you with it.

Dear Customers: Stop treating me as if I don't know anything and I only am in the department to get the men to help you with your electronic needs, because it will really piss me off when I tell you there is noone else, and you decide to wait, only for then man you wanted so badly to help you ask me to help since they didn't know the answer.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Female...in Electronics? Le gasp!

Dear Customers: I have a lab coat saying "Wal*Mart Photo" on it, and you ask me if I can get someone to help you with the cameras. When I respond with "I can help you, what do you need to know?" Do not say, "Well what do you know?" I'm trying to dumb it down for you, because your pointing at a camcorder and asking about the pictures it takes.

Dear Customers: Yes, I know I'm female, but it pisses me off when I answer your question, then you turn around and ask one of the guys, who guess what? Call me over and repeat the question because they don't know the answer. I think since it's my department, I know the software for the photo machines.

Dear Customers: Yes, my hair is brightly colored, no, it's not for the local sports team. Yes, I am sure. It's on my head.

Dear Customers: While I'm glad your so happy about me fixing your camera, please don't touch me, don't hug me. I don't like strangers being touchy.

Dear Customers: I may not speak Spanish, but I can understand you. I also understand when you say "This stupid girl doesn't know anything." If I don't know anything, then why am I having to answer your questions?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I've been a horrible blog-person

I have no excuse for my lack of this, I should be able to handle a wedding, work and this. So without any lame excuses:

Dear Customers: While I realize it is quite easy to dial up your local Wal*Mart and ask for the weather, please do not cuss me out because I tell you that I do not know the forecast.

Dear Customers: Yes, Christmas is a very busy time, and I realize that you may for decided to put off your shopping until the last minute, but why must you get angry at me for not having your exact item? I even suggest other places where you could possibly find it, and yet I still get glared at.

Dear Customers: It is quite common for young men to have pony-tails and sometimes braids now, but I am not a young man, and my french braid is quite girlish I assure you, so please do not call me sir, and please do not ask your friend quite loudly why there is a man working in the lingerie department.

Dear Customers: I have no idea how often I have to say this, no habla esponola! Yes, my skin is fairly brown, and yes, I am part Mexican, but I'm also Jewish and German, I don't speak Hebrew or German though.

Dear Customers: If you would like to make people want to never have children, you are doing a fantastic job at it! Why, hearing those screams of your child as you ignore them, smelling their feces when they can't control their bowel movements and you not doing a thing about it, finding your lost child and having to comfort them and avoiding sticky peanut buttery hands, why all those things really make a person excited about having children.

Dear Customers: I really don't want to know about your want of sex life, your appointments, what your friend is or isn't saying, and I'm sure noone else in the store wants to as well, so please stop talking so everyone within 30ft can hear you.

Dear Customers: Yes, you want to speak to a manager, yes you've been on hold and hung up after 1.5 minutes 3 times, no you cannot yell at me for that, I will ask you to hold and put you on hold. I am not paid enough to get yelled at by some persistently rude person.

Dear Customers: Did you ever think that maybe the reason you have to call back after I put you on hold is because you hung up? Don't call after I put you on hold and then accuse me of hanging up on you. Also, don't get pissy at me when I tell you that I put you on hold.

Dear Customers: Yes, the store manager is a woman, shocker. Stop cutting me off when I tell you her name with "That's not a man's name" perhaps it's not a man's name due to the fact that she is a woman and not a man?

Dear Customers: My name is not Stacy, it is not Tracy, is it not Carrie, or Christy, or Mary, or any other name you come up with and call me. My name is CASEY, with a C. While I am well aware of my speech impediments, I would like you to respect them and if you didn't catch my name, don't call me by the wrong one.

Dear Customers: While I do get tired of saying the same long phrase everytime I answer the phone I get more tired of hearing, "Wow! That's a lot to say! Do you have to say that every time you answer the phone?" or "Woah that's a lot of words, don't you get tired of saying that?" Yes, I do get tired of it. Now shut up and tell me where to DIRECT your call.

Dear Customers: Don't worry, I don't have alot of stuff to get done in a limited amount of time, I'm fine waiting behind you and asking you several times if you could please move. It's also perfectly fine to glare at me when I'm restocking and I'm 'in your way'. You also have free reign to stand behind me as I zone a whole wall of shirts and then mess it all up as your searching for a shirt that you just HAVE to have. It's all cool, how about you hit my head against a wall so I don't have to do it to myself?

Dear Customers: The next time you yell at me for something another associate does while I'm on my lunch and you raise your arm and make a fist at me, I WILL call management and have you taken out of the store for harassment. Once again, I am not paid enough to be threatened by anyone.

Dear Customers: Yes I look quite young, stop acting as if I'm a stupid child. I'm an underweight, short young woman. Don't act as if I'm a youth with stupidity and strength, I'm someone whose had to wise up before their time and my body shows that with it's pain and scars.

Friday, August 26, 2011

No, Take your back to school back and keep it back

Dear Customers: Turn right at the stop light means turn RIGHT, not left. Turn AWAY from the Dennys does not mean turn into it. I know you can use your overpriced fancy phone to get directions, so do it.

Dear Customers: No we do not sell (rival college) t-shirts here, if you wanted them, you should have stayed there instead of coming to (college town).

Dear Customers: Yes we do carry like have like um microwaves and like um tvs and stuff. Seriously, if you can't string together a coherent sentence, go back home kid.

Dear Customers: Yes we sell stamps, no you cannot purchase just some of the book, it's either the full 20 stamps or none, go to a post office if you want inbetween.

Dear Customers: I do not speak any form of Chinese, I do not speak whatever your native tongue is, yes I am brown and look like a lot of races, but I speak one and only one language to customers, English.

Dear Customers: Yes, we are a 24 hour Wal*Mart. That does mean that yes, we will be open late.

Dear Customers: Please, just please spare me the headache of this scenario: "Umm... I applied here a few days ago?" "Alright, and?" "Can I speak to someone?" "Well our personnel associate is currently on vacation, I could take a message for you if you'd like?"  "I was told to call back." "I can take a message and leave your number if you'd like. Or would you prefer to speak to a manager?" "Umm... can I speak to a department manager?" "Alright, of which department?" "Uhh... I dunno." "*sigh* okay, I'm just going to send you to a manager, okay?" -click for holding- "Any member of management, line #"
To explain, a department manager was not an option, manager or message. Department managers have not as much to do with hiring. They only come in if you applied for their department, and even then, regular managers can help you too.

Dear Customers: I don't care about your new college student, they will by the looks of it and how they're snapping at you for taking so long, not graduate and move back in with you a few months after the reality of adulthood hits them.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Not everyone celebrates

Dear Customers: Just something I wanted to point out, not everyone is Christian or Catholic and celebrates Easter, also, it's not as big of a holiday as Christmas. So please, stop asking me about my plans for Easter. I'm sleeping in for the first time in a week and then going to work for 8 hours. Stop talking to me about church, I want my sleep for once.

Dear Customers: Easter is tomorrow, why are you trying to get all your easter candy, baskets, eggs, and outfits TODAY? Ever heard of planning ahead? It's this amazing thing that's been around forever, I mean, it's beyond retro man. Though that could be why.

Dear Customers: Yes, we are a 24 hour Wal*Mart, yes, we will be open on Easter. No, we won't be having any different hours. Stop asking me if we are closed tomorrow! Your not even properly celebrating the day Christ rose from the grave, I highly doubt he rose on a random always changing date that just happens to always be a Sunday. Easter was just taking over a pagan holiday, so there.

Dear Customers: No, we do not have a gas station. That would be Sam's club. Same with the eye place. We just have a subway. Don't tell me otherwise. I work here.