
All these are rants by an extremely sarcastic woman. Take offense and get butt-hurt if you want, but I warn you, this is the internet. If this bugs you, grow up. If you see yourself here, learn from it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

No, Take your back to school back and keep it back

Dear Customers: Turn right at the stop light means turn RIGHT, not left. Turn AWAY from the Dennys does not mean turn into it. I know you can use your overpriced fancy phone to get directions, so do it.

Dear Customers: No we do not sell (rival college) t-shirts here, if you wanted them, you should have stayed there instead of coming to (college town).

Dear Customers: Yes we do carry like have like um microwaves and like um tvs and stuff. Seriously, if you can't string together a coherent sentence, go back home kid.

Dear Customers: Yes we sell stamps, no you cannot purchase just some of the book, it's either the full 20 stamps or none, go to a post office if you want inbetween.

Dear Customers: I do not speak any form of Chinese, I do not speak whatever your native tongue is, yes I am brown and look like a lot of races, but I speak one and only one language to customers, English.

Dear Customers: Yes, we are a 24 hour Wal*Mart. That does mean that yes, we will be open late.

Dear Customers: Please, just please spare me the headache of this scenario: "Umm... I applied here a few days ago?" "Alright, and?" "Can I speak to someone?" "Well our personnel associate is currently on vacation, I could take a message for you if you'd like?"  "I was told to call back." "I can take a message and leave your number if you'd like. Or would you prefer to speak to a manager?" "Umm... can I speak to a department manager?" "Alright, of which department?" "Uhh... I dunno." "*sigh* okay, I'm just going to send you to a manager, okay?" -click for holding- "Any member of management, line #"
To explain, a department manager was not an option, manager or message. Department managers have not as much to do with hiring. They only come in if you applied for their department, and even then, regular managers can help you too.

Dear Customers: I don't care about your new college student, they will by the looks of it and how they're snapping at you for taking so long, not graduate and move back in with you a few months after the reality of adulthood hits them.

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