
All these are rants by an extremely sarcastic woman. Take offense and get butt-hurt if you want, but I warn you, this is the internet. If this bugs you, grow up. If you see yourself here, learn from it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Not everyone celebrates

Dear Customers: Just something I wanted to point out, not everyone is Christian or Catholic and celebrates Easter, also, it's not as big of a holiday as Christmas. So please, stop asking me about my plans for Easter. I'm sleeping in for the first time in a week and then going to work for 8 hours. Stop talking to me about church, I want my sleep for once.

Dear Customers: Easter is tomorrow, why are you trying to get all your easter candy, baskets, eggs, and outfits TODAY? Ever heard of planning ahead? It's this amazing thing that's been around forever, I mean, it's beyond retro man. Though that could be why.

Dear Customers: Yes, we are a 24 hour Wal*Mart, yes, we will be open on Easter. No, we won't be having any different hours. Stop asking me if we are closed tomorrow! Your not even properly celebrating the day Christ rose from the grave, I highly doubt he rose on a random always changing date that just happens to always be a Sunday. Easter was just taking over a pagan holiday, so there.

Dear Customers: No, we do not have a gas station. That would be Sam's club. Same with the eye place. We just have a subway. Don't tell me otherwise. I work here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Workin' freight.

Dear Customers: You know that rolling rack your going through? Yes, the one full of clothes and that the other employees are going through and taking stuff off of? Yeah, well it's for us to go through and fix up before you grab things to buy.

Dear Customers: No, you can't just walk past the associates working at the fitting room and try to open the locked door. We have to check how many clothes you have and then unlock the door for you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sick and Tired of being sick and tired

Dear Customers: I'm sick, I'm tired, and it's like 8am. Why are you so rude on the phone?

Dear Customers: No, you may NOT try on the underwear, no, not even if you are wearing your own underneath it. We just don't allow it. 

Dear Customers: No, we do not have a vision center, no our Super Wal*Mart does not have one either, I already told you, Sam's Club does. We are not Sam's Club.

Dear Customers: Seriously? Your trying to return a piece of jewelry, don't have the receipt, and can't remember when you got it? Smell like a scam to me.  

Friday, April 15, 2011

Doors, doors, doors.

Dear Customers: If I'm on the phone, answering another customers questions and I hold up the number of fingers close to the amount of clothes you have, that does not mean 'oh, go ahead and try to open the doors and go try on stuff'. No, it means '(X-amount) clothes?' then I try to hang up with that customer, and when you've finally looked at me and said "The door's locked". I will just smile, point at your pile, and ask "How many?" your first response should be a number, not "The door's locked" I will just continue to ask the amount of clothes until you answer me.

Dear Customers: Yes, I lock the damn doors, and no, I will not unlock them until you let me know what your bringing in there. You can't just rush past me and try to get in the door.

Dear Customers: Please don't ask me how your clothes look, seriously, don't. I'm no judge of clothing. I'm wearing what's practically a uniform with a fitting shirt that's too big. On top of that, I have no glasses and can't see the phone I'm running. Hell, I can't even read the big "E"! Just, bring someone with an opinion with you next time.

Dear Customers: I have a name, I tell you it on the phone, and I wear a name badge. Please don't call me "Sweetie Pie" "Little Girl" "Dearie" "Hun" or any other 'endearing' name you can think of. My name is Casey. It's not that hard to learn.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Please use Grammar

Dear Customers: Yes, I've been gone for a while, and yes, things have changed in our store. So when you ask about our sets of car seats and strollers, and I respond saying "I don't think we have those, I'm pretty sure we only sell them separately,but I can have someone check" It is very rude to respond "I'm just going to go over there, what's your name? I want to speak with your manager, you don't know nothing about your store."

Dear Customers: I point at the women's door and tell you that you can go in that one, that does not mean try the other one and ask me if it's locked. I will just repoint at the same door I pointed at. Then when you try to pull open the push door, I will try to hide a laugh. Trying once is okay, trying 3 times is just stupid. Hiding my laugh with a small smile is not rude. Rude would have been me laughing and telling you that was stupid.

Dear Customers: Stop calling me for directions, use google maps before you hit the road. Seriously. It's not that hard to look it up, and write the directions down.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

On my day off even...

Dear Customers: While I may be able to tell you the price of something, I cannot tell you if we have the same EXACT thing in a different color. Don't expect everything of me then treat me rudely when I can't meet your oh so high expectations.

Dear Customers: Yes, I can check prices and make new tags for things so you are able to purchase the items, but if there is no UPC, I can do nothing. It's just how it is, don't snap at me for there being no way for me to do it.

Dear Customers: Stop calling and hanging up midway through my speech. It's annoying as all hell.

Dear Customers: I don't know what makes you think you can just waltz into a fitting room, but I'm glad I lock them all, and make not which ones have people in them. When I say "Excuse me, how many?" That does not mean keep trying the door. It's locked for a reason.