
All these are rants by an extremely sarcastic woman. Take offense and get butt-hurt if you want, but I warn you, this is the internet. If this bugs you, grow up. If you see yourself here, learn from it.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I've been a horrible blog-person

I have no excuse for my lack of this, I should be able to handle a wedding, work and this. So without any lame excuses:

Dear Customers: While I realize it is quite easy to dial up your local Wal*Mart and ask for the weather, please do not cuss me out because I tell you that I do not know the forecast.

Dear Customers: Yes, Christmas is a very busy time, and I realize that you may for decided to put off your shopping until the last minute, but why must you get angry at me for not having your exact item? I even suggest other places where you could possibly find it, and yet I still get glared at.

Dear Customers: It is quite common for young men to have pony-tails and sometimes braids now, but I am not a young man, and my french braid is quite girlish I assure you, so please do not call me sir, and please do not ask your friend quite loudly why there is a man working in the lingerie department.

Dear Customers: I have no idea how often I have to say this, no habla esponola! Yes, my skin is fairly brown, and yes, I am part Mexican, but I'm also Jewish and German, I don't speak Hebrew or German though.

Dear Customers: If you would like to make people want to never have children, you are doing a fantastic job at it! Why, hearing those screams of your child as you ignore them, smelling their feces when they can't control their bowel movements and you not doing a thing about it, finding your lost child and having to comfort them and avoiding sticky peanut buttery hands, why all those things really make a person excited about having children.

Dear Customers: I really don't want to know about your want of sex life, your appointments, what your friend is or isn't saying, and I'm sure noone else in the store wants to as well, so please stop talking so everyone within 30ft can hear you.

Dear Customers: Yes, you want to speak to a manager, yes you've been on hold and hung up after 1.5 minutes 3 times, no you cannot yell at me for that, I will ask you to hold and put you on hold. I am not paid enough to get yelled at by some persistently rude person.

Dear Customers: Did you ever think that maybe the reason you have to call back after I put you on hold is because you hung up? Don't call after I put you on hold and then accuse me of hanging up on you. Also, don't get pissy at me when I tell you that I put you on hold.

Dear Customers: Yes, the store manager is a woman, shocker. Stop cutting me off when I tell you her name with "That's not a man's name" perhaps it's not a man's name due to the fact that she is a woman and not a man?

Dear Customers: My name is not Stacy, it is not Tracy, is it not Carrie, or Christy, or Mary, or any other name you come up with and call me. My name is CASEY, with a C. While I am well aware of my speech impediments, I would like you to respect them and if you didn't catch my name, don't call me by the wrong one.

Dear Customers: While I do get tired of saying the same long phrase everytime I answer the phone I get more tired of hearing, "Wow! That's a lot to say! Do you have to say that every time you answer the phone?" or "Woah that's a lot of words, don't you get tired of saying that?" Yes, I do get tired of it. Now shut up and tell me where to DIRECT your call.

Dear Customers: Don't worry, I don't have alot of stuff to get done in a limited amount of time, I'm fine waiting behind you and asking you several times if you could please move. It's also perfectly fine to glare at me when I'm restocking and I'm 'in your way'. You also have free reign to stand behind me as I zone a whole wall of shirts and then mess it all up as your searching for a shirt that you just HAVE to have. It's all cool, how about you hit my head against a wall so I don't have to do it to myself?

Dear Customers: The next time you yell at me for something another associate does while I'm on my lunch and you raise your arm and make a fist at me, I WILL call management and have you taken out of the store for harassment. Once again, I am not paid enough to be threatened by anyone.

Dear Customers: Yes I look quite young, stop acting as if I'm a stupid child. I'm an underweight, short young woman. Don't act as if I'm a youth with stupidity and strength, I'm someone whose had to wise up before their time and my body shows that with it's pain and scars.

Friday, August 26, 2011

No, Take your back to school back and keep it back

Dear Customers: Turn right at the stop light means turn RIGHT, not left. Turn AWAY from the Dennys does not mean turn into it. I know you can use your overpriced fancy phone to get directions, so do it.

Dear Customers: No we do not sell (rival college) t-shirts here, if you wanted them, you should have stayed there instead of coming to (college town).

Dear Customers: Yes we do carry like have like um microwaves and like um tvs and stuff. Seriously, if you can't string together a coherent sentence, go back home kid.

Dear Customers: Yes we sell stamps, no you cannot purchase just some of the book, it's either the full 20 stamps or none, go to a post office if you want inbetween.

Dear Customers: I do not speak any form of Chinese, I do not speak whatever your native tongue is, yes I am brown and look like a lot of races, but I speak one and only one language to customers, English.

Dear Customers: Yes, we are a 24 hour Wal*Mart. That does mean that yes, we will be open late.

Dear Customers: Please, just please spare me the headache of this scenario: "Umm... I applied here a few days ago?" "Alright, and?" "Can I speak to someone?" "Well our personnel associate is currently on vacation, I could take a message for you if you'd like?"  "I was told to call back." "I can take a message and leave your number if you'd like. Or would you prefer to speak to a manager?" "Umm... can I speak to a department manager?" "Alright, of which department?" "Uhh... I dunno." "*sigh* okay, I'm just going to send you to a manager, okay?" -click for holding- "Any member of management, line #"
To explain, a department manager was not an option, manager or message. Department managers have not as much to do with hiring. They only come in if you applied for their department, and even then, regular managers can help you too.

Dear Customers: I don't care about your new college student, they will by the looks of it and how they're snapping at you for taking so long, not graduate and move back in with you a few months after the reality of adulthood hits them.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Not everyone celebrates

Dear Customers: Just something I wanted to point out, not everyone is Christian or Catholic and celebrates Easter, also, it's not as big of a holiday as Christmas. So please, stop asking me about my plans for Easter. I'm sleeping in for the first time in a week and then going to work for 8 hours. Stop talking to me about church, I want my sleep for once.

Dear Customers: Easter is tomorrow, why are you trying to get all your easter candy, baskets, eggs, and outfits TODAY? Ever heard of planning ahead? It's this amazing thing that's been around forever, I mean, it's beyond retro man. Though that could be why.

Dear Customers: Yes, we are a 24 hour Wal*Mart, yes, we will be open on Easter. No, we won't be having any different hours. Stop asking me if we are closed tomorrow! Your not even properly celebrating the day Christ rose from the grave, I highly doubt he rose on a random always changing date that just happens to always be a Sunday. Easter was just taking over a pagan holiday, so there.

Dear Customers: No, we do not have a gas station. That would be Sam's club. Same with the eye place. We just have a subway. Don't tell me otherwise. I work here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Workin' freight.

Dear Customers: You know that rolling rack your going through? Yes, the one full of clothes and that the other employees are going through and taking stuff off of? Yeah, well it's for us to go through and fix up before you grab things to buy.

Dear Customers: No, you can't just walk past the associates working at the fitting room and try to open the locked door. We have to check how many clothes you have and then unlock the door for you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sick and Tired of being sick and tired

Dear Customers: I'm sick, I'm tired, and it's like 8am. Why are you so rude on the phone?

Dear Customers: No, you may NOT try on the underwear, no, not even if you are wearing your own underneath it. We just don't allow it. 

Dear Customers: No, we do not have a vision center, no our Super Wal*Mart does not have one either, I already told you, Sam's Club does. We are not Sam's Club.

Dear Customers: Seriously? Your trying to return a piece of jewelry, don't have the receipt, and can't remember when you got it? Smell like a scam to me.  

Friday, April 15, 2011

Doors, doors, doors.

Dear Customers: If I'm on the phone, answering another customers questions and I hold up the number of fingers close to the amount of clothes you have, that does not mean 'oh, go ahead and try to open the doors and go try on stuff'. No, it means '(X-amount) clothes?' then I try to hang up with that customer, and when you've finally looked at me and said "The door's locked". I will just smile, point at your pile, and ask "How many?" your first response should be a number, not "The door's locked" I will just continue to ask the amount of clothes until you answer me.

Dear Customers: Yes, I lock the damn doors, and no, I will not unlock them until you let me know what your bringing in there. You can't just rush past me and try to get in the door.

Dear Customers: Please don't ask me how your clothes look, seriously, don't. I'm no judge of clothing. I'm wearing what's practically a uniform with a fitting shirt that's too big. On top of that, I have no glasses and can't see the phone I'm running. Hell, I can't even read the big "E"! Just, bring someone with an opinion with you next time.

Dear Customers: I have a name, I tell you it on the phone, and I wear a name badge. Please don't call me "Sweetie Pie" "Little Girl" "Dearie" "Hun" or any other 'endearing' name you can think of. My name is Casey. It's not that hard to learn.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Please use Grammar

Dear Customers: Yes, I've been gone for a while, and yes, things have changed in our store. So when you ask about our sets of car seats and strollers, and I respond saying "I don't think we have those, I'm pretty sure we only sell them separately,but I can have someone check" It is very rude to respond "I'm just going to go over there, what's your name? I want to speak with your manager, you don't know nothing about your store."

Dear Customers: I point at the women's door and tell you that you can go in that one, that does not mean try the other one and ask me if it's locked. I will just repoint at the same door I pointed at. Then when you try to pull open the push door, I will try to hide a laugh. Trying once is okay, trying 3 times is just stupid. Hiding my laugh with a small smile is not rude. Rude would have been me laughing and telling you that was stupid.

Dear Customers: Stop calling me for directions, use google maps before you hit the road. Seriously. It's not that hard to look it up, and write the directions down.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

On my day off even...

Dear Customers: While I may be able to tell you the price of something, I cannot tell you if we have the same EXACT thing in a different color. Don't expect everything of me then treat me rudely when I can't meet your oh so high expectations.

Dear Customers: Yes, I can check prices and make new tags for things so you are able to purchase the items, but if there is no UPC, I can do nothing. It's just how it is, don't snap at me for there being no way for me to do it.

Dear Customers: Stop calling and hanging up midway through my speech. It's annoying as all hell.

Dear Customers: I don't know what makes you think you can just waltz into a fitting room, but I'm glad I lock them all, and make not which ones have people in them. When I say "Excuse me, how many?" That does not mean keep trying the door. It's locked for a reason.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Seriously guys?

Dear Customers: The fitting room closes at 9pm, that means I leave to go clean up all apparel, and therefore all the fitting room doors get locked. Don't pound on the doors and complain loudly about them being locked. I am not paid enough to wait my whole 9 hour shift and watch people try on clothes and then rudely just leave clothes on the ground for me to pick up. I'm not your mother.

Dear Customers: If you see me redoing all of the clearance clothes, why are you going through them? I'm trying to do my job and make finding clothes easier for you. Don't get mad at me for doing my job. It's 10pm at night!

Dear Customers: (Via my boyfriend, a cashier) Please abstain from indoctrinating me into your religious concerns, I consider myself spiritually conscious, I can maintain respect for your beliefs. Do not shove them down my throat.

Dear Customers: If I tell you the limit is 6, that means you should just grab 6 try them on, and then leave. Not get 6, try one on, hand it to your mom, have her dump it in my cart, then grab you another one. Why do you need to try on 15 different size smalls and 5 different mediums?! Just grab one of each size and try those on! Don't leave 20 suits in my cart.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Post via another cashier

Dear Customers: yes I have tattoos. no, that does not entitle you to try to touch me. no, I don't want to disucss them while I'm working, and no I don't care about your tattoos. if I care, ill ask you about yours. also stop coming through my line to stare at me, you're stinky and gross. please realize I'm working and have other people to assist. sincerly, your local cashier.

(and back to me)
Hey readers, I think this is catching, and when I see a post one of my coworkers has posted up I will add it for all of you to see. This cashier is a great friend of mine, awesome woman with tattoos and she's very pretty. She's also one of the main cashiers, so as you can tell she's on the front lines quit often. Most often I see her near the smokers register. (You know, where you buy the cigs) 

No snow, why ask?

Dear Customers: Please stop asking where our snow jackets are. You walked past them when you entered the store. Also, there is no snow! It's like 50 degrees!

Dear Customers: This is Wal*Mart, you can put the reject clothes in the cart. You don't have to hand me the pile of clothes you so graciously decided to refold and/or hang. So thank you for giving me more work.

Dear Customers: Just because I tell you there is a 6 clothes limit does not mean you can get pissy at me. It's my job to sit there and wait for you to try on all your clothes.

Dear Customers: I know you have lives and things to do as well, but if you wanted to hurry, don't go to the garden center and then get angry when it's 9pm and there is only one cashier and a line. That one cashier is doing the work of 2 and gets complained at for not doing their job correctly if they have to call for more help, which doesn't even stay there long enough to do any actual help. If you wanted to go quickly, you should have gone to the front, that's where the cashiers get kept. (Courtesy of my roommate)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

No joke

Dear Customers: When I say my whole little speech at the beginning of every phone call, and you ask "is this (town I reside in)?" I will say "Yes, it is" and "No joke?" will be responded with a dead-pan "No joke". For crying out loud, I tell you what town Wally your calling when you call.

Dear Customers: Yes, 24 hours means that we do not close. So when I say that we are open 24 hours, don't ask me when we close.

Dear Customers: No, we do not have a brochure of our liquor, you have to get off your lazy alcoholic butt as look for yourself.

Dear Customers: I don't give a damn about your skin color, but if you insult my race right infront of me and then act like I should be fine, my tone will be cold with you. I don't care if you can't tell I'm Mexican. I'm MEXICAN dammit!

Dear Customers: Don't be rude to me just because my voice is scratchy and tired. I just finished hacking up a lung and am trying not to cough into the phone. Yes, I honestly don't care if your butt-hurt about us not having XL men's sweats, but when you say you want to talk to my boss, my response is 'alright, one moment'. That means stay on the line, not hang up. I honestly don't care after coughing up my lungs all day and you getting pissy at me. It's not my fault, and I feel very weak from coughing so hard.

Dear Customers: I'm a lowly associate, do you really think I can control things like ordering more gloves?

Finally back!!!!

Oh dear God have I missed days. I finally finished my sint on overnights, and then I had one day back. The next day I was laying in my bed unable to walk to my own living room because I had strep (I was gone for 6 days). Well, strep after having got a head injury which had resulted in my temporary blindness (glasses are broken). So now I'm back to the phones with this painful cough, meds, and unable to even see the phones screen. You can imagine the fun I'm having with customers now, especially with the fact that the head wound only left minimal scarring around my right eye, and the swelling is all gone now.
So the next post will be catching up on this week's customer service.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Overnights Mayham

Due to a project taking place at my store and my need for hours (gotta make rent), I have been temporarily switched to overnights. Sadly and thankfully my customer service goes down. So for the next week or so I shall post up my coworkers stories of what they have dealt with while working at Wally World. Maybe one day per person, and explaining their situations and where they work. For instance, I work fitting room and answer phones. I'm also Mexican and only 19, yet have 5 years of work experience.
Also I've had plenty of fun drama going on in my life and got a boyfriend. Those oddly take up alot of time and I don't even realize it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Dear Customers: Yes, I am at the Jewelry counter and holding the keys in my hands, that does not mean I have register keys.

Dear Customers: I wake up at 5.30am just to make it to work on time and I really want to know what thinks you have the right to yell at me just because I don't know where the reading glasses are located, and when a coworker does come by and points them out and I try to tell you, that does not mean you can continue to yell at me because I am stuttering and borderline having a panic attack.

Dear Customers: when I say that I am just covering for Jewelry and have no idea how to repair your watch, I really don't have any idea. Also, just because I am female does not mean I understand it.
Dear Customers: Please do not try to run me over in your need to get in the fitting room as fast as possible.
Dear Customers: There is this amazing thing called personal space, use it please.

Dear Customers: Yes I am yawning, it's 7am and I got very little sleep because I keep getting tossed between days and nights.
Dear Customers: I'm sorry, but you are not a medium, your not even a large. Don't turn towards me and look at me like you want a response, all I can do is smile.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Really now?

Dear Customers: No, we are not the new Wal*Mart, stop asking us what they have in stock, each Wal*Mart is different.

Dear Customers: I understand you want to save money and something, but please don't swarm the dollar rack, or take about half of it, 'cause hun, I know you ain't a small, and even if it's for all your children or grandchildren, an armload that reaches to your head is a little excessive.

Dear Customers: Be nice to people, seriously, could it hurt you to take the extra second to say thank you or please?

Dear Customers: No hablo Espanol. I don't speak Spanish! I'm just tan.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Of course we can't

Dear Customers: Please stop asking us to connect you to the other Wal*Mart, or to the other Wal*Marts pharmacy.

Dear Customers: Yes this Wal*Mart is still open. Just because another one opened up does not mean this one has to close.

Monday, January 10, 2011

So close, no cigar

Dear Customers: I do realize I am a short person, but will you try not to run me over with your cart? You can do this thing called turning it to the side, trust me, there is room for both the cart and I to be in the aisle.

Dear Customers: I walked past and I'm not wearing a name tag. Do NOT try to grab me as I'm walking by just so you can know where the restroom is. If you had just touched my arm I would not have cared as much, but I had to step back to keep you from molesting me.

Dear Customers: I realize some of you have big families, but there is this amazing thing called discipline. Use it.

Note to readers: I sadly was working in the back and pulling pallets this day. I only went to the front 3 times.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Google is good, use it

Dear Customers: If I get another phone call starting with "I'm from (big city about 200 miles away), how's the weather?" I swear I will scream. I am not the weather service, stop asking me about the snow forcast, stop telling me how your snowless city doesn't carry snow gear. I do not care.

Dear Customers: Do you have any idea how rude and annoying it is when you cut me off in the middle of my sentence, in the middle of the word no less? I want to hang up on you every time.

Dear Customers: I don't know if life is to busy for you or whatnot, but do you really need to be rude to people, and then just toss something on the ground that you had just picked up to look at?

Dear Customers: When I tell you that everything we have on the floor is all we have, don't ask me to look in the back, I just told you that all we have is all we have. I can't magically find the item you are looking for because we do not have it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Little bit goes a long way

Dear Customers: I really don't care what got up your butt today and died, but is it really enough that your going to pick up and toss aside every item you see?

Dear Customers: Please watch your children, apparently your 12 year old boy thinks it's alright to walk by and smack my butt. I almost had to remember I was at work before turning around and smacking him across the face.

Dear Customers: Yes, deals are great and all, but when you see 4 people all on the floor sorting through boxes and trying to make sure everything is in the proper placed, don't come up and ask a billion questions about the price to your pjs and why are they 17 dollars, you want them for cheaper.

Dear Customers: I know your happy that we have gloves, but could you wait until we have them out of the box atleast before you start grabbing them?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year New Hopes? Guess not.

Dear Customers: This is Wal*Mart, please stop calling and asking if we are open. I just told you we're open 24 hours, don't ask about our hours.

Dear Customers: While I understand you are a different person from me, understand that I respect my space, and want you to back up away from me and stay atleast 1.5 feet away.

Dear Customers: No offense meant to hard of hearing or deaf customers, but if you use the thingie to 'call' me and leave both me and your translator waiting for 3 minutes for you to reply while I miss 2 other phone calls, I will be very unhappy. I mean seriously, just come over and I can sign with you.

Dear Customers: If you see me with a cart full of things and I'm fixing and writing on alot of things, why must you ask me every 30 seconds to scan another discounted Christmas item. I told you they were all 75% off, do the freaking math yourself.

Dear Customers: Do not get disgruntled with me because there are no more girls snow gloves. I do not order things, nor do I have a computer of which to check said orders.

Dear Customers: I don't know how you do your job or anything, but I know I appreciate it when you don't hand me all your clothes in a pile where they  are inside out and off the hangers.