
All these are rants by an extremely sarcastic woman. Take offense and get butt-hurt if you want, but I warn you, this is the internet. If this bugs you, grow up. If you see yourself here, learn from it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Not everyone celebrates

Dear Customers: Just something I wanted to point out, not everyone is Christian or Catholic and celebrates Easter, also, it's not as big of a holiday as Christmas. So please, stop asking me about my plans for Easter. I'm sleeping in for the first time in a week and then going to work for 8 hours. Stop talking to me about church, I want my sleep for once.

Dear Customers: Easter is tomorrow, why are you trying to get all your easter candy, baskets, eggs, and outfits TODAY? Ever heard of planning ahead? It's this amazing thing that's been around forever, I mean, it's beyond retro man. Though that could be why.

Dear Customers: Yes, we are a 24 hour Wal*Mart, yes, we will be open on Easter. No, we won't be having any different hours. Stop asking me if we are closed tomorrow! Your not even properly celebrating the day Christ rose from the grave, I highly doubt he rose on a random always changing date that just happens to always be a Sunday. Easter was just taking over a pagan holiday, so there.

Dear Customers: No, we do not have a gas station. That would be Sam's club. Same with the eye place. We just have a subway. Don't tell me otherwise. I work here.

1 comment:

  1. My sister's offspring spent the holiday searching for a bunch of non-harvested, dead chicken embryos that were covered in water coloring and hidden in various locations in their backyard. Is this a normal way to celebrate the resurrection?
